An Update on BLW…

Just wanted to give a little update on our Baby Led Weaning efforts. I tried – I really did. For the first few days of feeding Chancellor solid food, I was giving him BLW finger foods. I gave him whole bananas with cute little handles. I made him super soft cooked sweet potato fries. And honestly, I don’t know if any of it ever made it to his mouth. On the sweet potato fry night, he put one in his mouth and immediately turned bright red and started gagging. Now I know this is part of BLW, and that gagging is different from choking, but it still scared the crap out of me. So I immediately scampered down to my storage room and dug out the Baby Bullet I got for my baby shower. I found it extremely easy to use (honestly, it’s just a regular Magic Bullet with a few cute smiley faces). Since that day, I’ve been feeding him all purees. But I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not really a bad thing. The pureed route recommended by my nutritionist also suggests introducing solid finger foods after the first couple of weeks. So I really don’t think it’s that different. I’ve decided I’m not going to beat myself up for not fitting into the “box” or category of parent that I had planned for myself. Chancellor eats fresh fruit, vegetables, and plant based proteins everyday in addition to breastfeeding. I should be patting myself on the back for feeding him such healthy, natural foods and not feeling defeated for giving it to him in a different texture. As with everything in parenting, you don’t really know what will work for you until you try. I use cloth diapers and occasionally baby-wear (he is learning to like it but it was a struggle at first). I think that’s pretty granola/hippie… but I don’t need to be defined by that. We are just doing our thing – and I’m stoked that Chancellor is such a happy, healthy little guy. What more could I ask for!


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